With summer well and truly here, now is the time to make more of an effort with your office cleaning. The rise in temperature is a delight for all kinds of bacteria and can cause a breeding frenzy on a range of office surfaces and objects.
We’ve previously posted about the dirtiest items in the office, which included things like the microwave, keyboard, mouse and just generally desks as a whole. And in summer, these items can become even more riddled with sweat, dust, germs and bacteria.
To ensure your office stays clean and hygienic throughout summer, here are just a few simply tips to try.
Discard perishable foods promptly
It’s not uncommon for employees to have an array of food on their desks for fear of it disappearing in the work fridge! But leaving perishable foods on desks in summer is a recipe for disaster. Most modern offices have large window spaces which means when the sun shines through it can create a sort of greenhouse effect, causing the temperature to rise and food such as fruit, yoghurt and meat can quickly rot. This can attract germs and cause bacteria to multiply and before you know it you have mold and a pretty nasty smell. Always throw away any perishables that have started to turn as soon as possible.
Keep desks free of clutter
Whether your staff are responsible for cleaning their own desks or you have an outside contractor that takes care of it, having clutter on desks can mean that they aren’t getting cleaned thoroughly or effectively. Not only that, but the more stuff you have on desks, the more surfaces there are for bacteria and germs to form. Ensure staff have clear desks or implement a rule that they must take everything off their desks at the end of the day in order to ensure a thorough clean.
Increase the frequency of cleans
During the cooler months, it can be fine to clean the office a few times a week. However, during summer, the increase in temperature demands more frequent cleans. Ideally, your entire office should be cleaned daily to stay on top of dirt and bacteria. If you have a large office space it might be beneficial to hire industrial cleaning equipment to ensure a thorough job is done and that your cleaning is completed within a time-effective manner.